Online workshop - 24 October 2024: The European AI Act - a milestone in the regulation of artificial intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence needs a proper legal framework. The European AI Act, which came into force on 1 August 2024, is the world's first law on artificial intelligence with a broad scope and intensive regulation of so-called AI systems. The impact of the AI Act on developers and users of AI systems in Europe and beyond, and whether the AI Act offers a convincing regulatory approach that could serve as a model for legislation outside Europe, is currently the subject of intense debate.
The participating partners, Saarland University (Germany), Keio University (Japan), the University of Johannesburg (South Africa) and the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil), discussed these questions from a comparative law perspective in an online workshop on 24 October 2024.
The workshop was part of the research project “Explainable Intelligent Systems” funded by the Volkswagen Foundation.
Programme and speakers:
Prof. Dr. Georg Borges: The European AI Law at a glance
Prof. Dr. Borges' presentation can be found here.
A university professor since 2003, Prof. Dr. Georg Borges was appointed to Saarland University in 2014, where he currently holds the Chair of Civil Law, Legal Informatics, German and International Business Law and Legal Theory. He also acts as the Director of the Institute of Legal Informatics at Saarland University.
Prof. Dr. Borges' memberships include the Board of EDV-Gerichtstag e.V. [German Association for eJustice], the Board, Stiftung Datenschutz [Data Protection Foundation], the EU Commission Expert Group on “Liability and new technologies, New technologies formation“ (2018–2020) and the EU Commission Expert Group on “B2B Data Sharing” (since 2022).
He is a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Johannesburg (since 2022) and a Visiting Professor at Keio University, College of Politics (Sept-Dec 2024).
Prof. Fumio Shimpo, PhD: The Intersection of EU AI Act and JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards)
Prof. Shimpo's presentation can be found here.
Prof. Shimpo's website:
Professor of Faculty of Policy Management at Keio University. Ph.D in Law
His area of academic expertise is Constitutional Law, Cyber-Law and Robot Law.
He is the project manager of the Moonshot R&D program, Realization of a Society that can Use Cybernetic Avatars Safely and Securely.
Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Association of Law and Information Systems, Executive Director of the Japanese Constitutional Law Society, Director of the Law and Computer Society.
Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Information and Communications Policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
Prof. Michele van Eck (University of Johannesburg): An assessment of the EU AI Act as a model for South Africa’s AI Plan
Prof. van Eck's presentation can be found here.
Prof. van Eck's slides.
Prof. van Eck's website:
Michele van Eck is an admitted attorney of the High Court of South Africa (non-practicing). She has over a decade of practical experience, having briefly practised as a lawyer and also worked as a legal adviser in the travel industry as well as the logistics and supply chain industry, where she was also responsible for several reporting lines. She joined the University of Johannesburg in January 2019 and is currently an Associate Professor and Head of Department of Private Law at the Faculty of Law. She teaches the undergraduate Law of Contract module and postgraduate modules of Law and Language and Drafting of Contracts which forms part of the LLM in Drafting and Interpretation of Contracts. She is one of the 2020 recipients of UJ’s Vice Chancellor’s Most Promising Young Teacher Award as well as one of the 2023 recipients of the UJ’s Vice Chancellor’s Teaching Excellence Award. Her doctorate in The Drafting of Contracts in South Africa is the foundation of her research interests in contract law, the relationship between law and language, substantive contract theory as well as drafting of contracts, with further research interests in the fields of legal education (teaching and learning) and legal ethics.
Prof. Dr. Juliano Souza de Albuquerque Maranhão (University of Sao Paulo): The metamorphosis of the EU AI Act into the Brazilian AI Act
Prof. Dr. Maranhão's presentation can be found here.
Prof. Maranhão's slides.
Prof. Maranhão's website:
Juliano Maranhão is associate professor at the University of São Paulo Law School, director of the Lawgorithm Institute and program chair of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL-2025).
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Infos unter:
Explainable Intelligent Systems
Im Projekt »EIS« arbeitet das Team um Prof. Borges an der Frage, wie die Forderung nach Transparenz und Erklärbarkeit intelligenter Systeme rechtlich und technisch umgesetzt werden kann.
Der Lehrstuhl von Professor Borges hat im BMWK-Projekt »Recht-Testbed Industrie 4.0« Lösungsansätze erarbeitet für die Industrie 4.0.