Legal Aspects of AI: A Comparative Analysis of EU and Taiwan AI Law, 10 December 2024

© Universität des Saarlandes

In cooperation with the College of Law and Politics of the National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) in Taiwan the Saarbrücken Institute of Legal Informatics will hold a series of lectures entitled “Legal Aspects of AI: A Comparative Analysis of EU and Taiwan AI Law” on 10 December 2024. The lectures will provide an overview of the European AI Act and explain certification of high-risk AI systems provided for by the AI Act, highlight how AI is treated under Taiwanese intellectual property (IP) law and illustrate some legal issues related to AI and IP from the perspective of Turkey in relation to EU law.

The lectures will be held by:
•    Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aksu
     Professor of Law, Istanbul University, Turkey
•    Prof. Dr. Georg Borges
     Director, Institute of Legal Informatics, Faculty of Law, Saarland University, Germany
•    Prof. Dr. Yuh-May Lin 
     Dean, College of Law and Politics, NCHU, Taiwan
•    Prof. Dr. Dimitrios Linardatos
     Professor of Law, Saarland University, Germany
•    Prof. Dr. Ming-Der Yang
     Dean, College of Engineering, NCHU, Taiwan

Participation is free of charge and can be done in person in room 537 of the Social Science and Management Building at NCHU or online via this link

The programme can be viewed and downloaded here.

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Infos unter:

Explainable Intelligent Systems

Im Projekt »EIS« arbeitet das Team um Prof. Borges an der Frage, wie die Forderung nach Transparenz und Erklärbarkeit intelligenter Systeme rechtlich und technisch umgesetzt werden kann.



Der Lehrstuhl von Professor Borges hat im BMWK-Projekt »Recht-Testbed Industrie 4.0« Lösungsansätze erarbeitet für die Industrie 4.0.
