
Online workshop - 24 October 2024: The European AI Act - a milestone in the regulation of artificial intelligence?

Access the materials of our online workshop of 24 October for free and learn about recent topics and developments in the regulation of artificial intelligence from a comparative law perspective.

Artificial Intelligence needs a proper legal framework. The European AI Act, which came into force on 1 August 2024, is the world's first law on artificial intelligence with a broad scope and intensive regulation of so-called AI systems. The impact of the AI Act on developers and users of AI systems in Europe and beyond, and whether the AI Act offers a convincing regulatory approach that could serve as a model for legislation outside Europe, is currently the subject of intense debate.

Prof. Dr. Georg Borges discussed the European AI Act with specialists from Japan, South Africa and Brazil in an international workshop.

More information on the programme and can be found HERE.


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Explainable Intelligent Systems

How can the requirement for transparency and explainability of intelligent systems be implemented legally and technically? Prof. Borges’ team is working on this question in “EIS”, a project funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. 



The chair of Prof. Borges is developing solutions for Industry 4.0 through the project "Recht-Testbed Industrie 4.0" funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi).
