
Joint German-Taiwanese Symposium on Legal Aspects of AI, 10 Dec. 2024
In cooperation with the College of Law and Politics of the National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) in Taiwan the Saarbrücken Institute of Legal Informatics will hold a series of lectures entitled “Legal Aspects of AI: A Comparative Analysis of EU and Taiwan AI Law” on 10 December 2024. For more information and free of charge access klick here.
Prof. Dr. Borges received Outstanding Paper Award
Prof. Dr. Borges received the Outstanding Paper Award at the IEEE International Conference on Autonomous and Trusted Computing (ATC 2024) for his paper “The Right to Explanation in the European AI Act”.
The paper is based on research in the Explainable Intelligent Systems (EIS) project.
Online workshop - 24 October 2024: The European AI Act - a milestone in the regulation of artificial intelligence?
Access the materials of our online workshop of 24 October for free and learn about recent topics and developments in the regulation of artificial intelligence from a comparative law perspective.
Prof. Borges Visiting Professor at Keio University, Tokyo
For the period from September 1 to December 31, 2024, Prof. Dr. Georg Borges has been appointed Visiting Professor at Keio University, Tokyo, one of the most renowned Japanese universities. The Saarland University Faculty of Law has had a partnership with Keio University for decades, and Prof. Borges has worked with Japanese researchers for many years. The appointment of Professor Borges as a visiting professor shall strengthen this collaboration.
Video recording of Workshop: ChatGPT and Data protection
ChatGPT - witziges Gadget, neue Schummelsoftware, unerlässliches Tool für Arbeit 4.0 oder einfach nur ein gigantischer, selbstlernender Datensauger? Diese und weitere aktuelle Fragen des Datenschutzrechts bei generativer Künstlicher Intelligenz diskutierte Prof. Dr. Georg Borges im Online-Workshop am 12.7.2023 mit den Datenschutzspezialisten Dr. Stefan Brink, Dr. Alexander Duisberg und Prof. Dr. Dieter Kugelmann. Bis zu 200 Teilnehmer folgten gespannt der Diskussion.
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Explainable Intelligent Systems

How can the requirement for transparency and explainability of intelligent systems be implemented legally and technically? Prof. Borges’ team is working on this question in “EIS”, a project funded by the Volkswagen Foundation.

The chair of Prof. Borges is developing solutions for Industry 4.0 through the project "Recht-Testbed Industrie 4.0" funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi).